I was supossed to go to a sort of scout conference this weekend. I was all set to go but I sort of fell down the stairs in the subway and messed up my anckle.
The motto for this weekend was "I'M GOING"and they gave us badges with that.My badge changed,"I'm not going". (scoul...)
Se suponía que tenía que ir a una acampada llamada "sesamo" de los scout. Estaba lista para irme pero me caí en el metro (me ahorraré los detalles embarazosos) pero el resultado final es que he terminado escayolada. La chapita que nos dieron ponía "yo voy" y bueno,la mía cambió.
I love your illustration, nice colors^^
Thanks!not as fun as actually trying to walk on crutches but yeah..It makes life interrensting..
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